Seriousness and contentedness is our pillar...

  • 25 years of experience in the real estate market
  • the seriousness and contentedness of our clients comes first
  • we solve debts, executions, liens, auctions, bankruptcies, personal bankruptcies
  • possibility of purchase, sale and realisation within 24 hours from the first meeting

Offer of real estates

Predaj dvoch stavebných pozemkov v Šamoríne
Transaction: Sale
Category: Grounds, m²
Locality: Senecká Cesta, Šamorín
Price: 350,00 €
Možnosť dohody, Predaj pozemoku so starým rodinným domom v obci Tekovské Lužany okres Levice
Transaction: Sale
Category: Houses and villas, 80 m²
Locality: Družstevná 409, Tekovské Lužany
Price: 15 000,00 €

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